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Artist Host

Seeking: Artist Hosts in towns near Opera Vermont Venues (Brandon, Barre, Randolph, Greensboro)

Most of the artists that perform with Opera Vermont are coming from a distance, and it is part of the Opera Vermont custom to provide a uniquely community experience by offering the artists host housing for the 6 nights that they are in rehearsal and production. 

By housing the artists with the community, it not only saves the precious financial resources from being spent on lodging, but even more importantly, it creates a bond between the artists and the community. Some of our artists have become great friends with prior hosts, even potentially traveling to watch them perform (or in one case, being invited to a wedding and many holiday parties.) As much as the experience singing and working in a wonderful environment as Opera Vermont provides, our community of Vermonters that share a glass of wine, a coffee, or just a conversation with our artists are equally as important. 

What is required: 

There is no need for the artists to have a palatial home, but rather some place for them to comfortably sleep and rest while in-between the rather difficult rehearsal process. They will be called for lunch at 12p, and rehearsing until 10pm each day, so most artists try to sleep until 11a at least. Please do not feel obligated to entertain, transport, make any purchases for, or any other comfort other than access to the space, for any artist. 

*A single/private bedroom

*A designated bathroom (does not have to be en suite, although that is always wonderful)

*24/7 access to the room

*Animal disclosures (Cats and Dogs are not dealbreakers by any stretch of the imagination! Many of our artists are animal lovers, and being able to snuggle with a pet while having a post-rehearsal beer and conversation with you might just make you a life-long friend.

*Provide basic breakfast/coffee/cereal (This is not a necessity, as again, often the artists choose to sleep as late as possible in between rehearsal. Offering coffee and breakfast is a wonderful gesture, but can be negotiated, talked about with each individual artists.)

If you have any interest in learning about the backstage life of opera, or meeting someone with a very interesting life story, or even just want to offer some unused space to help out Opera Vermont, please be in touch, and we will be glad to provide you a wonderful artist to host, and develop fantastic, potentially life-long friendships.

Artist Hosts